
Acceptance is key for transformation but why is it?

Energetically every time we resist something we create more of it, as we magnetize the energy that we send out that ultimately has a frequency.

For example, when we are stuck in victim mode, complaining about others’ wrongdoing, we keep looping into the same energy frequency and we may end up receiving more of what we are complaining about.

When we set the intention of going into a deep state of acceptance the first thing, we notice are the resistances we hold, even when we are not aware of it, we may feel sensations in the physical body of resistances loosing up, energy start moving again into those places we were physically holding the resistance.

In order to embody our spirit we have to clear the system from all those subtle resistances, and the fastest way is acceptance, a deep state of acceptance as deep as you can possibly feel it, the better.

Acceptance is a tool; we deliberately bring in and start accepting everything that presents itself to us, we start feeling catapulted into a vortex of issues in our life’s, and we accept one by one no matter what, with no judgments.
We start moving an energetic vortex shifting many things by thought alone.

Acceptance is a shortcut for forgiveness. True forgiveness from the heart can happen only if you have accepted whatever we need to forgive for.

Acceptance is the bridge to get you out from the victim ego mind and open to compassion

Acceptance is not a passive act, it is a creator’s choice to free and transform energetically, so it has a purpose.

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