Holding Space

I have realized over the years it is very important not to share your pains and trouble with others, whether family members or supposed friends, no one really wants to be involved or listen to it, without judging, and you end up giving your power away.

For me it was difficult to realize this, as I am always listening to people’s problems and give advice even before this was what I do for a living. I am a natural born empath.

I discovered I was holding space naturally for fiends,’ boyfriends’, family members even strangers sometimes, people felt very comfortable to share and open to me. I thought this was a two-way road I could do the same, if I need to, but I noticed people were going away from me if I did so.

Then came the social media Era and the things got worst exponentially.

Social media have alienated us in a very disturbing way. People sharing their best moments, best picture, best location, best food, best friends, it makes us feel so miserable because one can think that others have it all, and you are still there dealing with everyday life, with the up and downs, with the laundry, the shopping, the taxes, the family politics and so on.

I feel nauseous when scrolling, it is sappy.

In between the most terrible news of wars, genocides, pandemics, coercions of our very human rights, you scroll and find only happy friends having the moment of their lives, or fast-food advice from so called life coaches (I cannot stand the term) that pop up on the feed in the right moment just before you decide to give up on life.

Our very nature as human is connection, to others, to nature and to spirit, and we are all in fact at this point disconnect from one another, from nature and from spirit to. I personally feel my chest full of thing I want to toss out, I feel the need to be listen to, I want to share the pain for the loss of a young friend of mine, my struggle as a single mother of a teen-age boy, I don’t have only good moments to share and so where do I put all the other moments? who I can reach out to?

We carry the false idea that as I am Holding space for others and facilitate spiritual sessions I have it all figured it out, that I am immune to life, to emotions, when in fact this is the very fabric of my work, the ability to translate and transmute all this pain I am carrying and recognize it in the people attending my sessions and be able to see them, feel them, and hear them because I have going through the same if not worst .

This is to be authentic to me, this is my truth, and if you have read this until this point, I thank You as you had hold space for me today and you are precious.

With love.

About the Author

2 thoughts on “Holding Space

  1. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I remember our session where You held space for me (a few years ago) I found the session to be quite incredible and I thank you again for that. I hope you find the people to hold the space for you 🙏

    1. Dear Sylvia Thank You for taking the time to read me and for your beautiful comment.
      You just did hold space for me to.
      Sending love

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