The Sound of Silence

Transformation happens in silence,
Silence is the alchemic ingredient in my sound work sessions.
When I first practiced silence for few hours as a meditation
exercise, the first thing that I experienced in a new way, was hearing.
I start listening, I became aware of all the different sounds that were available to my ears and surrounded me. Without labeling just acknowledging them.
I quiet myself, I am present, and I am presence.
Silence is that space from where all sounds origin
Silence is the sound of zero point
Silence is pure consciousness
Silence is where we come from, and we can go back to
Silence and sound, Yin and Yang
Silence is creation from where sound is created
Silence contains all frequencies
Silence is healing
Silence is presence
Silence is love
When you want to experience the sound of silence you will find it in those spaces in between sounds, it exists omnipresent, has a texture, it sounds like home.
Trough the sound journey we go back to our origin that is silence.
Silence please

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