
It is safe to be me

Working with sound has deepened my awareness regarding frequencies and vibration, I start seeing everything as a frequency, and looking into the ability to raise our own. We are constantly emitting a frequency according to what emotion runs in our bodies and manipulating energy means tapping into higher frequencies in order to raise our vibration and we can do that by cultivating elevated emotions like gratitude, compassion, appreciation, love.

The longer we can be present in a state of elevated emotion, the higher we raise our
frequency. But what is the emotion that holds the higher frequency of all?
None of the above is as strong as Authenticity. The truth has the highest frequency of all, we can feel it in our whole system when someone
says the truth, or when we are in our truth, we are in our power, no matter what the truth is.

So how do we tap into Authenticity, what keeps us out of it? We can be authentic in many aspects of our life, but we are not in others, why? There are many reasons but at the core of it, it is the fact that we fear that if we are authentic, we are not accepted, it may not be safe, we are different. In fact, we are all different, as we are all unique, but instead of celebrating our uniqueness together honoring each other uniqueness, we have being programmed to match a list of expectations from society, the programming, the mind control, the belief system that has categorized
everything into boxes and when we feel we are not fitting into one of those boxes , we may try to, at the expenses of our authenticity, dimming our frequency.

Probably when we were children, we felt unsafe to say the truth or to express our true
feelings, we felt we had to match our parent expectations, or school peers or colleagues,
every time we put a little mask on, and that with the years creates our character, our
personality, but is it all true?

We may not even recognize what is true to ourselves anymore, as we can believe our lies to be true.

Some of these lies are also in our subconscious, we are not aware of it.
It can be also in our ancestral line were our ancestor felt it was not safe to speak the truth.

Our Essence, on the other hand, is pure and authentic by nature, it is pure creation and
creation is authenticity, it is what it is, without judgment.
For our soul to be able to fully embody our physical vassal, it needs to match the frequency.
In other words, the more we are grounded in our body the more we can embody our spirit.

The more authentic we are to ourselves, the more powerful we are, therefore creating a
higher frequency.

It is safe to be me, it is safe to be me, it is safe to be me.

We are the one’s blocking the authenticity with fears, so we are the ones that can reverse
this by simply knowing that it is safe to be me. Giving ourselves permission to be authentic
in all aspect of our life.

Our purpose in this planet is to bring our authentic selves, whatever that means for you, we are required to stream our true frequency that together with mine, and other truths,
creates the symphony of the Universe.

About the Author

4 thoughts on “Authenticity

  1. Thank you for sharing! It is so much needed.
    I’m going to affirm : it is safe to be me, until I really believe in it, thank you Marci 🙏❤️🪽🌸

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