
In order to be aligned in all aspect of our life whether is health, wealth or both, our energy, life force, spirit, essence or soul, use the word that most resonate with you, must be fully contained in our physical body.
For this to happen the body must be able to match the frequency of our soul.

When we have stuck emotions in the body or the body is intoxicated, or we have some froze memories or trauma in the body, our energy will be off, it won’t be able to run freely in our body and it will stay out of the body, kind of parallel to it but not in it.
Fatigue and brain fog are the first signs that something is off.

When we run trauma in the body whether is physical injury or emotional blocks our physical body start to compensate in other word it finds the way to function even if not in alignment but after a while physical symptoms like pains in the bone structure or in some organs will start showing up.

Energy block can be due to a traumatic event that we experience in this current life, maybe in our childhood, but can as well run in our ancestor line at the genetic level.
Therefore, is very important to be able to detect the block by going inward and transform the energetic information, and this is the core of my work.

In my sessions I facilitate the transformation by doing an energy reading bringing the topic to the surface and holding space for the participant to transform it. The sounds of my Gongs will complete the process they are my tool for transformation.

When we bring awareness to an energy block and we open the space for that energy to be transformed with intention, we create space for more of our essence to come in the physical body anchoring itself at the cellular level.

When all the cells of our body vibrate at the frequency of our soul, we are whole, we are healthy, prosperous and creative, joyful and free.

We feel present grounded and calm.

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