
What is it? What is triggering it? How to deal with it? I was very surprised when I learned that the opposite of fear is LOVE

How that can be possible, so what is fear? Why we carry all these fears about everything? 

Fears about not being enough, fear of other’s people judgment, fear about our health and ultimately fear of dying.

When we look deeper, we can find that at the core of all these fears, is our programming, is the way we have being raise as humans, in a fear base society.

When we observe our lives, we can notice that since very young age we are told to obey, and we are told as well to fear the consequences if we don’t. In fact, keeping people in fear is a way to control them. 

We also carry the ancestral fears, in our genetic code and the collective fears as well.

So, what can we do in order to relive the fear and open our heart to love instead?

By observation we can notice that fear is a projection of our mind in a future space, imagining a fearful scenario that has not manifested yet. 

We always fear something in the future that has not happened yet, and it will never happen the way we fear it. 

There may be many reasons that trigger this mind construct, past traumatic events or abuses we had to endure, but we can act upon it. When we feel the fear rising, we observe it, recognize it, and we thank that fear, we welcome it in our space, we feel it, and we are grateful because it is showing us that we are not in the present moment

As the only moment we have is the present moment and we must master to be in our present moment always, fear it is showing us that we left the present moment, and we are projecting to a future moment, a space we are powerless because we are not there yet. 

So instead of being victim of our fears we use them as a spotlight to show us when we are not present, and we call ourselves back to the present moment through our breath. We breath until we feel back in the present moment, and we then open our heart to love again, that is our original state. 

With love and compassion.

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