
The word grief comes from the Latin verb gravāre meaning “to burden” from gravis “heavy”.

And in fact, this is how it is felt, a heavy weight on the heart center, in the middle of the chest, almost difficult to breath at the beginning, and then develops into a journey of multiple emotions depending on the relationship between us and the thing we are grieving. It is a journey and has different stages.

Grieving pulls us inward and stirs all the emotions in once, like a vortex. There is no way to escape the roller-coaster and if we manage to stay with it all, we can come out renew, regenerate we purge lots of it. 

I went through a huge loss recently, my beloved dog Simba transitioned, and that loss created a great pain in my heart, I felt an emotional pull inward, and I was froze by it.

So much pain and guilt I could not save him, and I could not connect with him energetically either. While I was supported by a dear friend and best healer, he told me to let go of the guilt as that was blocking me from connecting to him. It took me few days to transform the guilt but eventually I managed to see an opening and so I started to play the gong for Simba.

As soon as I started the sounds Simba Spirit presented himself in front of me at the center of the gong and said, “use this pain as medicine. Transform it as in a shamanic process, merge with my energy, with my spirit, nothing is lost, energy transforms and there is no separation as we are the same consciousness.’ As these words were coming in, I start feeling my heart center absorbing Simba energy, integrating with in me his Spirit.

While I was doing that, the pain was easing, the more integration the less pain as I was not in separation anymore. It was a profound process that brought me to the realization that we can transform that energy of grief and transform the loss into a gain. We come from a conditioning that make us see death as the end of all there is, and this is the reason why we suffer so much as it’s a separation that it is painful. But as creators, we can choose how to interpret a human phenomenon like the loss of someone.

Why and how

Our consciousness creates our reality, we manifest the world we can imagine, and the people around us are as well a manifestation of our consciousness. When we lose someone in the physical plane, we can still feel them energetically, in fact that essence, or soul is around, and it is part of us to.

We tend to see everything as separate, but, that energy is our energy and is ready to merge back into our own consciousness, in this way we can transform the grieving energy, we merge with it, we use it as a medicine in the shamanic way. As we ease the separation between us and the person we are grieving, we establish the energetic bond, and we can shift from the pain to an empowered state.

Of course, we can miss the physical aspect of the person, more like a nostalgia, but their essence and the experience we had, it is still there. It is alive inside of us and it is enriching us.

With love and gratitude,


About the Author

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