Welcome to Transformative Soundwork

A Gateway Experience

Soundwork is a technique that involves the use of sound to trigger the brain waves response as well as synchronize the two hemispheres of the brain, a state called hypnagogic state. The hypnagogic state is the state in between being awake and being asleep. (Theta brain wave)

In that state, we are at the level of the subconscious mind, also known as the parasympathetic nervous system, a very healing state for the physical body. In this state of relaxation, the body starts regenerating itself and at the same time accessing the subconscious mind into unexplored dimensions of your consciousness, as the mind is awake and aware.

The deep state in which one becomes the witness of their own system, is the key to enabling the resetting of unwanted behavior due to traumatic events.

It further opens the possibility to find answers and solve long-standing problems. Creativity and ideas usually come to the forefront as well in this state.

Up to 95% of our life is controlled by our subconscious mind. It works as the software or operating system for our daily life. This programming of our software is made by belief systems that were given to us by culture, education, and so on.

Our subconscious mind registers everything that happens from the womb to the present day. This means even past life’s events, particularly traumatic ones, are also fully registered in the subconscious. Learning to access that part of us is fundamental to our expansion in awareness of who we truly are.

In that Theta brainwaves state, we can access the Eternal knowing and find solutions for our life and discover how to perceive and control our non-physical energy.

Begin your journey of self discovery