What does processing mean and why it is so important for us.
Our subconscious mind records everything about our life here on earth, all the events and the emotions we feel, are stored in our subconscious mind, as well as the programming, the believe systems, the ancestor’s genetic information, I like to compare it to a huge hard drive where all our data are stored.
When we learn that we respond 95% of our life from the subconscious mind, we understand the importance in finding a way to access that space and process the information, elaborate them, and possibly keeping the lessons and letting go of the stories, in other word we have to create space for new information to come in, update our system in order to evolve and so we have to delete the dust bin of our past stories, as if we are a computer.
We live in an accelerated time compared to our past generations and we consume life and information is very fast, but we don’t process the events, we keep on pushing them under the rug and go on with more experiences, more work, more relationships, more of everything until we fill, we are burned out.
The more we bring the subconscious conscious the more we align in all the aspects of our life, we become more aware of ourselves, our bodies, our minds and our spirit, we become less reacting and more responding in a ever ending process of evolution. the journey of awareness has no destination.
How do we tap into our subconscious mind?
Our system is a perfect machine, our body is the vehicle, the breath is the bridge between
us and our subconsciousness, we can dive deep into ourselves by altering the brainwave in our brain, I use sound and breath to induce theta brain waves state, and synchronization of the brain hemispheres.
When we allow ourselves to slow down, deepen the breath, center ourselves in our hear space, let the body relax and unwind, and becoming the observer of our system, shifting from human doing into human being, we start noticing things coming into our awareness, memories, people, events, start presenting itself and we are in the space of processing. I found sound a perfect vehicle for promoting that state of consciousness.
In my session while holding space for you and facilitate that state of consciousness,
you will have the time to work internally on whatever is presenting itself in that moment, as we always have different experiences according to what we are feeling, if we must find an idea that will come to the surface if we feel to let go of some grieve that will be the experience and so on.
That is the space of creation, transformation the space of possibilities and connection with Spirit.
With Love