The Power is Within Us

One of the first big revelation about the healing power of sound that was
given to me, it is the use of the sound of our own voice as a tool for

What do I mean for transformation it is the concept that as we are
energy, and we vibrate at a certain frequency, we can manipulate the
frequency and transform our energy by raising our vibration, and apply it
in any area of our life, whether is healing a physical part of our body or
manifesting our dreams.

Energy keeps transforming itself, we live in an eternal flux. We stream a
frequency in the Ether and we are the Ether itself. We are sound and
sound is us. Each of us is a member of a large orchestra that we call

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
(John 1:1)

Our voice can replicate any instrument that exist, but no one can
replicate your voice, and each voice it is tune on each person’s
frequency. This is very important because it explain why the use of your
own voice it is so powerful and beneficial. When used with intention it
tune your vibration, back to optimum frequency.

It is being proved that is possible to have a clone of a person, the only
thing you cannot replicate it is the voice of that person. It is called
“signature frequency” it is unique to any of us like our DNA or

With our voice we manifest what we speak, like a spell, from there the
word spelling.
While becoming aware of the quality of our thoughts, trough observation,
we shall do the same about the word we speak and start using our voice
with the intent of healing and raising our frequency vibration.

Different exercises with the voice like, humming, toning, singing, mantra
recitation, used with intention can promote energy shifts and therefore a

All this was very clear in the ancient spiritual traditions, although the
deep meaning of this got lost, or hidden, it is now reemerging supported
by the science of it.

In my Soundwork sessions I use and teach different voice techniques
depending on what I intuitively feel it is the need.
We have the most profound energy tool within ourselves, and I feel is
very empowering when we became aware of it.

With love
Marcella Anselmetti

About the Author

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