
This word is omnipresent in my life currently, both in my personal experience and in my sessions with my clients.
While meditating on it, it came strong the message that we get to trust ourselves as much as we trust the Universe.
They go hand in hand.
When we trust in the Divine support, that we all have, but we do not trust ourselves, we are still giving power away to something external to us. When we add the trust in ourselves, the two frequencies match and manifestation happen.
We are connecting heaven on earth. The divine and our human experience are two different point of view of the same consciousness. We are divine creators.
But why it is so difficult for us to trust ourselves, and see us as creators?
Well first because we live in a word of lies, fears, and scarcity, and the frequencies of lies, fears, and scarcity clashes with our own true nature of true, love, and abundance, bringing confusion and delusion into our awareness and create emotional instability and our emotions are the one that determine the frequency we send out and the same of that is what we receive back as magnets.
One of the biggest lies we get to believe is that we are our bodies. When we identify only with our body, we feel lost in a biological container that is showing up random symptoms for which we refer to external advice and remedies, we are completely powerless.
But when we shift perspective and we identify with our soul our energy our life force, call it the way you resonate, we start being in charge of our bodies, and our emotions, and we have the possibilities to consciously create our existence in this plane call Earth.
When all our identity is at the soul level, we are the Universe itself.
In order to reach that level of awareness and stay 100% in the higher perspective we need to train and deprogramme ourselves, let go of the stories, of the past, the ego stories, the victim stories, both ours and of our ancestors, the collective belief systems, and take full responsibility for we are creators of all things going on in our life, only then we start shifting.
Why am I creating scarcity in my reality for instance, it is because the same scarcity frequency it is still running in my system whether it is conscious or unconscious, by taking full responsibility of it, without judging it, we bring awareness of it in within us and by doing so we transform that energy and we trust that we can create a better outcome from now on. We ultimately trust in our own abilities to shift and reprogrammed anything in our system.
How do we do that?
We observe ourselves we notice the triggers as they are showing us unresolved issues and we constantly observe the way we judge ourselves, our internal talk.
This to me is the path to evolve and there is no destination in this evolution only expansion and grow.

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